I don't even know why is that when the person died specially the famous one, all his hits were sold out (buyers even asked for more)?! Why is that when he is still alive, his hits were not even patronized? Well, its just only supports the saying, "you will only realized the value of the person when he is gone!" Hmmm...it's true for both Michael Jackson and Francis M.

Again, here is another hit from MJ way back in 80's. But did you also heard the revival of this song? Yup, this was done by the 'Little Big Star' winner Sam Concepcion. It was aired over the radio last year.
Just like Michael Jackson, Sam made a great revision of the song. You may want to hear his version, just scroll down my playlist! As we always do, I provide you with the lyrics of the song, 'Happy'! So, stay happy as you listen and read this song! c",)

(Michael Jackson / Sam Concepcion)
Sadness had been close as my next of kin
Then happy came one day, chased my blues away
My life began when happy smiled
Sweet, like candy to a child
Stay here and love me just a while
Let sadness see what happy does
Let happy be where sadness was
Happy, that?s you
You made my life brand new
Lost as a little lam was I till you came in
My life began when happy smiled
Sweet, like candy to a child
Stay here and love me just a while
Let sadness see what happy does
Let happy be where sadness was
(till now)
Where have I been?
What lifetime was I in?
Suspended between time and space
Lonely until happy came smiling up at me
Sadness had no choice but to flee
I said a prayer so silently
Let sadness see what happy does
Let happy be where sadness was till now
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